Green Day 4 Ever
Green Day 4 Ever

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Green Day 4 Ever

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Itt mindent megtalálsz a Green Day-ről.
Cikkek, videók, dalszövegek, képek, animációk stb...
Ha itt jársz, akkor légyszi írj a vendégkönyvbe.
Ja..és ha ötleteid vannak, azt is írd meg!
Indítottam egy új fórumot, is, úgyhogy mindenképpen nézd meg!
Na hello, és jó szórakozást kívánok!

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Ha már többször chatelsz az oldalon, akkor lehetőleg mindig ugyanazzal a névvel lépjél be!

:)) :) :@ :? :(( :o :D ;) 8o 8p 8) 8| :( :'( ;D :$
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Igen rendszeresen olvasom, és mindig írok bele
Rendszeresen olvasom, de nem írok bele
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mi az a fórum???
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Bullet In A Bible

A november 15-én megjenenő DVD-ről egy előzetes..


rajongó számláló
Indulás: 2005-07-28
American Idiot (2004)

Green Day: American Idiot

Az American Idiot című CD-t a Warner Bros. Records jelentette meg.

1. American Idiot
2. Jesus of Suburbia
3. Holiday
4. Boulevard of Broken Dreams
5. Are We The Waiting
6. St. Jimmy
7. Give Me Novacaine
8. She's a Rebel
9. Extraordinary Girl
10. Letterbomb
11. Wake Me Up When September Ends
12. Homecoming
13. Whatsername


Miről szólnak a számok?


A történet fõszereplõi:

Jesus of Suburbia (Külvárosi Jézus - J.O.S.)
Whatsername: J.O.S. elsõ szerelme.
St. Jimmy: Az utcán találkoznak J.O.S.-al és barátok lesznek.
Tunny: Találomra kiválasztott személy, aki az utcán találkozik J.O.S.-al és
tanácsokat ad neki
The Underbelly: J.O.S. és St. Jimmy baráti társasága.
Mom and Brad: J.O.S. szülei

American Idiot: Az album címadó dala. A totális állam elleni lázadás. J.O.S.
himnuszt kiált ki a világnak, hogy meghallják.

Jesus Of Suburbia: I. Jesus Of Suburbia: Bemutatja, hogyan nõtt fel J.O.S. a
barátaival és a szüleivel. Ez a rész tulajdonképpen J.O.S. bemutatkozása.
II. City Of The Damned: Csak egy segélykiáltás, városutálat. J.O.S.
egyszerûen csak a városát utálja, és ki akar jutni belõle.

III. I don't care: J.O.S. szégyenbõl kiabál, nem érdekli senki és semmi.

IV. Dearly Beloved: J.O.S. önmagát kérdezi, hogy mit érez, és vajon miért
nem érti meg õt senki.

V. Tales From Another Broken Home: J.O.S. himnuszának vége. J.O.S.
megszívta, ki akar jutni a városából és az életébõl.

Holiday: J.O.S. lelépett a városból, és éli az életét az utcákon. Hang
nélkül beszél, olyan mintha magához beszélne. Még mindig egyedül érzi magát,
de kicsit boldogabbnak látszik. Ez is egy állam ellen lázadó dal.
Menekülésszeru hangulata van.

Boulevard Of Broken Dreams: J.O.S. egyedül van a hideg utcákon, semmit sem
csinálhat, és sehova nem mehet. Elmúlt a boldogsága, és csak bandukol.
Mindenki alszik, senki nem hallja õt, senkit nem érdekel, pedig õ csak menni
akar valahova, ahol emberek vannak, akik észreveszik.

Are We The Waiting: J.O.S. egyedül van és durva életet él. Képzelõdik, és
elveszti a józan eszét. Nem tud többé magában sem megbízni. Nem Külvárosi
Jézus többé. Már csak úgy "van".

St. Jimmy: Gyors, beszól mindenkinek, és mindenféle kemény dolgot tesz. St.
Jimmy durva és nem fél a haláltól sem. A 70-es évek kemény punk arca. A
legkeményebb és legrosszabb, ami csak létezik. Az utcákon él, mindent tud és
mindent hall. Látja J.O.S.-t, aki teljesen ártatlan és magával hívja.

Give Me Novacaine: J.O.S. és St. Jimmy együtt lógnak. Együtt drogoznak és
kapcsolódnak ki. Jimmy bemutatja J.O.S.-nak a drogokat és mindenféle ilyen
szégyenteljes dolgot.

She's a Rebel: Az utcákon Jimmy és J.O.S. találkozik egy lázadó lánnyal,
akit "Whatsername"-nek nevez ("Hogyishívják"). J.O.S.-nak ez szerelem volt
elsõ látásra. Whatsername úgy tartja a szívét, mint egy kézigránátot. Új
érzések, új atmoszféra.

Extraordinary Girl: Minden ismét Whatsername-rõl szól, s arról, hogy mit
éreznek egymás iránt.

Letterbomb: Szakítás után Whatsername-el. Ez bizony végleges szakítás.
Whatsername egy búcsúlevélben búcsúzik J.O.S.-tól. "Nobody likes you,
everyone left you..." Gúnyolódás Whatsername-tõl. A levélben megmagyarázza,
hogy J.O.S. mindig is utálta õt, ezért lépett le.

Wake Me Up When September Ends: J.O.S. megint egyedül van. Elvesztette a
barátait, az egyetlen lányt, akit valaha is szeretett. Ez a szám még Billie
Joe édesapjának is íródott, akit 1982-ben vesztett el.

Homecoming: J.O.S. az utcákon van. Megint egyedül. Mit csinálhatna? Hova
mehetne? Haza...

I. Death Of St. Jimmy: J.O.S. lelép az utcákról, maga mögött hagyja Jimmy-t
is. Hazaindul és reménykedik, hogy van még mit várnia az élettõl. St. Jimmy
megöli magát. Nem érdekel senkit és semmit, kilátástalan az élete.

II. East 12 Th St: Ez a rész arról mesél, hogy J.O.S. mit csinál, van
munkája, és csak a saját világában él, az emberek csak mozognak körülötte.
Inkább a barátaival lógna. Kelepcében érzi magát, egyedül akar lenni, és
lelépni innen is.

III. Nobody likes you: Még mindig depressziós, hogy elvesztette
Whatsername-et, és arra vár, hogy visszatérjen hozzá, de nincs szerencséje.
Az álmai pokollá válnak. Whatsername hangja még mindig a fejében van:
"Nobody likes you, everyone left you..."
IV: Rock 'N' Roll Girlfriend: J.O.S. az utcákon sétál, és találkozik egy
emberrel (õ Tunny)
Tunny elmagyarázza neki, hogy éljen úgy, ahogy eddig, élje csak a lázadó
életet, erre J.O.S. abbahagyja a munkát, és feladja az új életét.

V: We're Coming Home Again: J.O.S. hazamegy és otthagyja a zurzavaros
gondolatait. Nem szomorú vagy boldog, csak otthon van, éli az életét, és
csak önmagát adja.

Whatsername: Miután J.O.S. hazamegy, átlagosan él, de még mindig sajnálja,
hogy elvesztette Whatsername-et. Ez már hosszú ideje történt, és nem akar
emlékezni a nevére. Arra gondol, mi történhetett vele, igazából csak
emlékezni akar. Megpróbálja elfelejteni Whatsername-t és a szégyent, ami
velük történt.


Dalszöveg (angolul):

American idiot
Don't want to be an American Idiot,
Don't want a nation under the new mania,
Can you hear the sound of hysteria?
The subliminal mind fuck America
Welcome to a new kind of tension,
All across the alienation,
Where everything isn't meant to be ok,
Television dreams of tomorrow,
We're not the ones meant to follow,
For that's enough to argue
Maybe I am the faggot America,
I'm not a part of a redneck agenda,
Now everybody do the propaganda!
And sing along to the age of paranoia
Don't want to be an American Idiot,
One nation controlled by the media,
Information age of hysteria
Calling out to idiot America
Jesus of Suburbia
I'm the son of rage and love,
The Jesus of suburbia,
From the bible of "none of the above",
On a steady diet of soda pop and ritalin,
No one ever died for my sins in hell,
As far as I can tell,
At least the ones I got away with
But there's nothing wrong with me,
This is how I'm supposed to be,
In a land of make believe,
That don't believe in me
Get my television fix,
Sitting on my crucifix,
The living room in my private womb,
While the Mom's and Brad's are away,
To fall in love and fall in debt,
To alcohol and cigarettes and Mary Jane,
To keep me insane and doing someone else's cocaine
 City Of The Damned-
 At the center of the earth,
In the parking lot,
Of the 7-11 where I was taught,
The motto was just a lie
It says: home is where your heart is,
But what a shame,
'Cause everyone's heart,
Doesn't beat the same,
We're beating out of time
City of the dead,
At the end of another lost highway,
Signs misleading to nowhere,
City of the damned,
Lost children with dirty faces today,
No one really seems to care
I read the graffiti,
In the bathroom stall,
Like the holy scriptures in a shopping mall,
And so it seemed to confess,
It didn't say much,
But it only confirmed that,
The center of the earth,
Is the end of the world
 And I could really care less
-I Don't Care-
I don't care if you don't,
I don't care if you don't,
I don't care if you don't care
I don't care if you don't,
I don't care if you don't,
I don't care if you don't care
I don't care if you don't,
I don't care if you don't,
I don't care if you don't care
I don't care if you don't,
I don't care if you don't,
I don't care if you don't care
 Everyone Is So Full Of Shit!
Born and raised by hypocrites,
Hearts recycled but never saved,
From the cradle to the grave,
We are the kids of war and peace,
From Anaheim to the middle east,
We are the stories and disciples of,
The Jesus Of Suburbia
Land of make believe,
And it don't believe in me,
Land of make believe,
And I don't believe,
And I don't care!
-Dearly Beloved-
 Dearly beloved, are you listening?
I can't remember a word that you were saying,
Are we demented? Or am I disturbed?
The space that's in between insane and insecure
 Oh therapy can you please fill the void?
Am I Am I retarded or am I just overjoyed?
Nobody's perfect and I stand accused,
For the lack of a better word, and that's my best excuse
 Tales Of Another Broken Home-
 To live and not to breathe,
Is to die in tragedy,
To run, to run away,
To find what you believe,
And I leave behind,
This hurricane of fucking lies,
I lost my faith to this,
This town that don't exist
 So I run,
I run away
 To the light of masochists,
And I leave behind,
This hurricane of fucking lies,
And I walked this line,
A million and one fucking times,
But not this time
 I don't feel any shame,
I won't apologize
 When there ain't nowhere you can go,
Running away from pain,
When you've been victimized,
Tales from another broken home
You're leaving...
You're leaving...
You're leaving...
Ah you're leaving home...
Hear the sound of the falling rain,
Coming down like and Armageddon flame,
The shame,
The ones who died without a name,
Hear the dogs howling out of key,
To a hymn called "Faith and Misery",
And bleed the company lost the war today
I beg to dream and differ,
From the hollow lies,
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives
On Holiday
Hear the drum pounding out of time,
Another protester has crossed the line,
To find the money's on the other side,
Can I get another Amen?
There's a flag wrapped around the score of men,
A gag,
A plastic bag on a monument
The representative from California has the floor
Zieg Heil to the president gas man,
Bombs away is your punishment,
Pulverize the Eiffel towers,
Who criticize your government,
Bang, Bang goes the broken glass,
Kill all the fags that don't agree,
Trials by fire setting fire,
Is not a way that's meant for me,
Just cause,
Just cause because we're outlaws, yeah!
I beg to dream and differ,
From the hollow lies,
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives,
I beg to dream and differ,
From the hollow lies,
This is the dawning of the rest of our lives
This is our lives on holiday
 Boulevard Of Broken Dreams
I walk a lonely road,
The only one that I have ever known,
Don't know where it goes,
But it's home to me and I walk alone,
I walk this empty street,
On the blvd. of broken dreams,
Where the city sleeps,
And I'm the only one and I walk alone
I walk alone,
I walk alone,
I walk alone,
I walk a..
My shadow's the only one that walks beside me,
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating,
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me,
'Til then I walk alone
I'm walking down the line,
That divides me somewhere in my mind,
On the borderline of the edge,
And where I walk alone,
Read between the lines of what's
Fucked up and everything's alright,
Check my vital signs to know I'm still alive,
And I walk alone
I walk alone,
I walk alone,
I walk alone,
I walk a..
I walk this empty street,
On the blvd. of broken dreams,
Where the city sleeps,
And I'm the only one and I walk a..,
My shadow's the only one that walks beside me,
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating,
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me,
'Til then I walk alone
 Are We The Waiting
Starry nights city lights,
Coming down over me,
Skyscrapers and stargazers,
In my head
Are we we are, are we we are,
The waiting, unknown,
This dirty town was burning down in my dreams,
Lost and found city bound in my dreams
And screaming,
Are we we are, are we we are the waiting,
And screaming,
Are we we are, are we we are the waiting
Forget me nots and second thoughts,
Live in isolation,
Heads or tales and fairytales in my mind,
Are we we are, are we we are,
The waiting, unknown
The rage and love, the story of my life,
The Jesus of suburbia is a lie
And screaming
Are we we are, are we we are the waiting, unknown,
Are we we are, are we we are the waiting, unknown,
Are we we are, are we we are the waiting, unknown,
Are we we are, are we we are the waiting, unknown,
Are we we are, are we we are the waiting, unknown
St. Jimmy
St. Jimmy's coming down,
Across the alleyway up on the blvd.,
Like a zipgun on parade,
Light of a silhouette, he's insubordinate,
Coming at you on account of wonder,
1, 2, 3, 4
My name is Jimmy and you better not wear it out,
Suicide commando that your momma talked about,
King of the 40 thieves,
And I'm here to represent,
The needle in the vain of the establishment
I'm the patron saint of the denial,
With an angel face and a taste for suicidal
Cigarettes and raman and a little bag of dope,
I am the son of a bitch and Edgar Allen Poe,
Raised in the city under a halo of lights,
The product of war and fear that we've been victimized
Are you talking to me?
I'll give you something to cry about!
St. Jimmy!
My name is St. Jimmy,
I'm a son of a gun,
I'm the one that's from the way outside,
A teenage assassin executing some fun,
In the cult of the life of crime now
I'd really hate to say it,
But I told you so,
So shut your mouth before I shoot you down, ol' boy,
Welcome to the club,
And give me some blood,
I'm the resident leader of the lost and found
It's comedy,
And tragedy,
It's St. Jimmy,
And that's my name...
...And don't wear it out!
Give Me Novacaine
Take away the sensation inside,
Bittersweet migraine in my head,
It's like a throbbing toothache,
Of the mind,
I can't take this feeling anymore
Drain the pressure from the swelling,
This sensations overwhelming,
Give me a long kiss goodnight,
And everything will be alright,
Tell me that I won't feel a thing
Give me novacaine
Out of body and out of mind,
Kiss the demons out of my dreams,
I get the funny feeling and that's alright,
Jimmy says it's better than here
Drain the pressure from the swelling,
This sensations overwhelming,
Give me a long kiss goodnight,
And everything will be alright,
Tell me Jimmy, I won't feel a thing
Give me novacaine
She's a Rebel
She's a rebel,
She's a saint,
She's salt of the earth,
And she's dangerous,
She's a rebel,
Missing link on the brink,
Of destruction
From Chicago,
To Toronto,
She's the one that they,
Call old whatsername,
She's a symbol,
Of resistance,
And she's holding on my,
Heart like a hand grenade
Is she dreaming,
What I'm thinking?
Is she the mother of all bombs?
Gonna detonate,
Is she trouble,
Like I'm trouble?
Make it a double,
Twist of fate,
Or a melody that
She sings the revolution,
The dawning of our lives,
She brings this liberation,
That I just can't define,
Nothing comes to mind

 Extraordinary Girl
She's an extraordinary girl,
In an ordinary world,
And she can't seem to get away
He lacks the courage in his mind,
Like a child left behind,
Like a pet left in the rain
She's all alone again,
Wiping the tears from her eyes
Somedays he feels like dying,
She gets so sick of crying
She sees the mirror of herself,
An image she wants to sell,
To anyone willing to buy
He steals the image in her kiss,
From her hearts apocalypse,
From the one called whatsername
She's all alone again,
Wiping the tears from her eyes
Somedays he feels like dying
Somedays it's not worth trying,
Now that they both are finding,
She gets so sick of crying
Where have all the bastards gone?
The underbelly stacks up ten high,
The dummy failed the crash test,
Now collecting unemployment checks,
Like a flunkie along for the ride
Where have all the riots gone,
As the city's motto gets pulverized?
"What's in love is now in debt",
On your birth certificate,
So strike the fucking match to light this fuse
The town bishop is an extortionist,
And he don't even know that you exist,
Standing still when it's do or die,
You better run for your fucking life
It's not over till you're underground,
It's not over before it's too late
There is nothing left to analyze
Where will all the martyrs go,
When the virus cures itself?
And where will we all go when it's too late?
You're not the Jesus of suburbia,
The St. Jimmy is a figment of,
Your fathers rage and your mothers love,
Made me the idiot America
It's not over 'til you're underground,
It's not over before it's too late,
This city's burning "it's not my burden",
It's not over before it's too later
She said "I can't take this place,
I'm leaving it behind",
She said "I can't take this town,
I'm leaving you tonight"

Wake Me Up When September Ends
Summer has come and past,
The innocent can never last,
Wake me up when September ends,
Like my fathers come to pass,
Seven years has gone so fast,
Wake me up when September ends
Here comes the rain again,
Falling from the stars,
Drenched in my pain again,
Becoming who we are,
As my memory rests,
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when September ends
Summer has come and past,
The innocent can never last,
Wake me up when September ends
Ring out the bells again,
Like we did when spring began,
Wake me up when September ends
Here comes the rain again,
Falling from the stars,
Drenched in my pain again,
Becoming who we are,
As my memory rests,
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when September ends
Summer has come and past,
The innocent can never last,
Wake me up when September ends
Like my father's come to pass,
Twenty years has gone so fast
Wake me up when September ends
My heart is beating from me,
I am standing all alone,
Please call me only if you are coming home,
Waste another year flies by,
Waste a night or two,
You taught me how to live
In the streets of shame,
Where you've lost your dreams in the rain,
There's no sign of hope,
The stems and seeds of the last of the dope,
There's a glow of light,
The St. Jimmy is the spark in the night,
Bearing gifts and trust,
The fixture in the city of lust
What the hells your name,
What's your pleasure and what's your pain?
Do you dream too much?
Do you think what you need is a crutch?
In the crowd of pain, St. Jimmy comes without any shame,
He says "We're fucked up",
But we're not the same,
And mom and dad are the ones you can blame
Jimmy died today
He blew his brains out into the bay,
In the state of mind in my own private suicide
-East 12th Street-
And nobody cares,
And nobody cares,
Does anyone care if nobody cares?,
And nobody cares,
And nobody cares,
Does anyone care if nobody cares?,
Jesus is filling out paperwork now,
At the facility on east 12th st,
He's not listening to a word now,
He's in his own world,
And he's daydreaming
He'd rather be doing something else now,
Like cigarettes and coffee with the underbelly,&
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